Words by: Annemarie Galeucia
Graphics by: Leigh Anne Nugent and Andre Dugal
At the close of each TEDxLSU season the TEDx team takes some time to reflect on the ideas spread through the course of an intimate, day-long experience among hundreds of new friends. And we think, let’s keep this momentum going!
With that, we introduce the 2018 theme: REFRACT
How, you ask, do these themes come about? It starts with a single word or phrase that represents the trajectory and growth of TEDxLSU. But it’s bigger than that - as a team, we take stock of where we are as a growing community, and of what’s happening in our collective timeline as local members of a global experience. And we find a singular element that anchors us as we begin the curate the event.
From there we begin to articulate all the different ways this word manifests, and it becomes bigger than its definition. It becomes a charge to continue to not take for granted that good ideas are worth spreading. The theme becomes a lens through which we can challenge ourselves to make it better, deeper.
Graphics by: Leigh Anne Nugent and Andre Dugal
At the close of each TEDxLSU season the TEDx team takes some time to reflect on the ideas spread through the course of an intimate, day-long experience among hundreds of new friends. And we think, let’s keep this momentum going!
With that, we introduce the 2018 theme: REFRACT
How, you ask, do these themes come about? It starts with a single word or phrase that represents the trajectory and growth of TEDxLSU. But it’s bigger than that - as a team, we take stock of where we are as a growing community, and of what’s happening in our collective timeline as local members of a global experience. And we find a singular element that anchors us as we begin the curate the event.
From there we begin to articulate all the different ways this word manifests, and it becomes bigger than its definition. It becomes a charge to continue to not take for granted that good ideas are worth spreading. The theme becomes a lens through which we can challenge ourselves to make it better, deeper.
Sometimes the world is a lot to take in. Hyper-sensory experiences surround us and, if we’re not careful, we forget to take the time to embrace the moment. If we’re lucky, we have the opportunity to observe and reflect on what we experience. But life is about more than that. What makes or breaks us is how we interrogate our sensory encounters and the perceptions that come with them. The act of engaging is itself a disruption -- and how we refract what we take in can dramatically shift objects and ideas for the better.